Greetings, pilots! We are happy to announce that Strike Wing is going to get the biggest update yet across all platforms. We’ve been working hard to complete Episode 2 and fix other issues that have been reported or creeped their way up in the code 🙂 That being said, we hope you will enjoy the update as well. So, let’s get to what the updates actually contain:
Windows Phone updates and next steps
Greetings pilots!
We’ve been busy in the past weeks with lots of stuff, and you are probably wondering what is new and what’s going on. Simple! More updates!
Strike Wing for Android is launching today!
Greetings pilots! Today , the 26th of August we’re launching Strike Wing on Google Play for Android devices. We’re so proud and happy to have made it this far. We just hope all of you who have waited for the Android version will be happy of the result.
So, what’s new in this version ? Lots of little things.!
Dev Diary – Update 1.3 – Story mode, graphics updates and more
Greetings, pilots! Right we’ve finished work on Update 1.3.
This will be the biggest and most important update for the game until now. We’ve promised since launch to add more stuff to the game, so here’s what’s coming:
April Fools – Introducing Strike Wing: Planetfall

This gallery contains 2 photos.
Today Dream Builder Studios is proud to unveil the next entry into the Strike Wing franchise: Strike Wing Planetfall. Taking cues from market research, over half a century of combined team game development experience as well as fan requests we’re … Continue reading