Developer Diary #2 – May status update for Strike Wing


We might have not updated you much during these past few weeks, but rest assured, Strike Wing is moving ahead at a rapid pace. The past few months have been critical to the project and we have made some pretty big steps towards completing the game for release.

So here’s what happened:

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Developer Diary #1: Text and Fonts

Hey guys, this post kicks off the first (of many) developer diaries that you will find on the site regarding Strike Wing development as well as other things linked to generic game development.

Text and fonts? Why would we care about this ?

There are a few reasons why any developer should focus on text rendering and fonts as early as possible within the game development cycle. Let’s see what those reasons are:

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Raptor Rising – Episode 3

Previous episode

Echo caught up with Talon and started firing at one of his chasers, taking out his left engine pod with a few well aimed shots Talon had 6 enemies still chasing him. One less or more didn’t matter that much. The remaining 4 fighters were turning to Echo. Luckily there were two heavies and only two light fighters. They couldn’t keep up with his speed.


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